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Parking During Construction
Parking During Construction
Where will students park during construction?
Who is parking in the transportation lot on campus?
Where will faculty and staff park during construction?
When will the changes to parking begin?
How do I get a parking permit?
How long will the parking garage be closed?
What other transportation options are available?
How will parking be enforced?
What if I don’t feel safe with the off-site parking locations?
How will the School handle employees who work at both campuses?
What is required to park in a handicapped spot?
How does the shuttle to and from the Timbertoy lot work?
Will the admissions reserved spots still remain?
What if I drive an electric car?
Are there bike racks on campus?
What if I need to drop off or pick up heavy items?
May I park off-site in the surrounding neighborhoods?
Does the new parking permit replace the old one?
In case of emergency, how do I get to my vehicle?
May I request a special parking spot for a visitor?
What if I have a medical condition and want to park close to campus?
Can I park in an empty student spot on Campus?
How will you accommodate parking for big events?
Why aren't there other options for faculty and staff parking?
When can students park in the off-site parking lots? Are there certain hours?
Will EV charging be available during construction?